지난 캐글 대회인 San Francisco Crime Classification에 대해서 범죄분류를 하였습니다. 본 글은 캐글 커널을 참조하였으며 아래의 순서로 데이터 분석을 진행하였습니다. I. 데이터 불러오기 및 확인 제출 결과 multi-class logarithmic loss score 2.34074로 72등에 위치하고 상위 4% 안에 들었습니다. 모델을 만들고 하이퍼 파라미터 튜닝을 Bayesian Optimization으로 해주면 모델의 성능을 더 높일수 있을거 같습니다. Bayesian Optimization에 대해서는 다음에 일반 classfication 모델을 만들때 해보려고 합니다. 처음으로 해본 multiclassfication이였지만 모델링 과정에서 많은 것을 배웠으며 범죄 데이터 ..
https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/the-blunder/problem?h_r=next-challenge&h_v=zen&h_r=next-challenge&h_v=zen The Blunder | HackerRank Query the amount of error in Sam's result, rounded up to the next integer. www.hackerrank.com Samantha was tasked with calculating the average monthly salaries for all employees in the EMPLOYEES table, but did not realize her keyboard's 0 key was broken until a..
https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/population-density-difference/problem?h_r=next-challenge&h_v=zen Population Density Difference | HackerRank Query the difference between the maximum and minimum city populations in CITY. www.hackerrank.com Query the difference between the maximum and minimum populations in CITY. Input Format The CITY table is described as follows: SELECT MAX(POPULATION) - MI..
https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/japan-population/problem Japan Population | HackerRank Query to the sum of the populations of all Japanese cities in CITY. www.hackerrank.com Query the sum of the populations for all Japanese cities in CITY. The COUNTRYCODE for Japan is JPN. Input Format The CITY table is described as follows: SELECT SUM(POPULATION) FROM CITY WHERE COUNTRYCODE = 'JPN';
https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/average-population/problem?h_r=next-challenge&h_v=zen&h_r=next-challenge&h_v=zen&h_r=next-challenge&h_v=zen Average Population | HackerRank Query the average population of all cities, rounded down to the nearest integer. www.hackerrank.com Query the average population for all cities in CITY, rounded down to the nearest integer. Input Format The CITY table is..
https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/revising-aggregations-the-average-function/problem?h_r=next-challenge&h_v=zen&h_r=next-challenge&h_v=zen Revising Aggregations - Averages | HackerRank Query the average population of all cities in the District of California. www.hackerrank.com Query the average population of all cities in CITY where District is California. Input Format The CITY table is desc..
https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/revising-aggregations-sum/problem?h_r=next-challenge&h_v=zen Revising Aggregations - The Sum Function | HackerRank Query the total population of all cities for in the District of California. www.hackerrank.com Query the total population of all cities in CITY where District is California. Input Format The CITY table is described as follows: query total popula..
Query a count of the number of cities in CITY having a Population larger than 100,000. Input Format The CITY table is described as follows: query count of number of cities ==> SELECT COUNT(ID) in CITY table ==> FROM CITY Population larger than 100000 ==> WHERE POPULATION > 100000 SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM CITY WHERE POPULATION > 100000;